Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Recording of POND's set at their Psychedelic Mango album launch back in January is up for free download on the bb. blog.

This Sunday night (03.05.09) at the velvet lounge Carbuncle, Gilbert Fawn and M. Rosner are supporting Adam Trainer for the launch of his new album Twice Worn. Music starts at 6pm, so come down early.
Facebook Event Page.

On the following Friday (08.05.09) Carbuncle are recording for Love is My Velocity at 214 William St as apart of the Bank Notes recording project. Feel free to come watch at 3.15pm. Then later that night at the Hellenic Centre the LIMV Cookbook will be launched, which features artwork and recipes from several bb. bands and plenty of other interesting ones.
Facebook Event Page.

Then the big one. Saturday (09.05.09) head down to Nannup! NOTE: Now Nannup not Balingup! For a huge day and night of psychedelic jams and drinks.
There will be some much more specific information about this event in the next day or two. I can tell you it is free, music will start at around 2pm, it is at a hotel in Nannup, there is a rad camp site nearby that we are going to encourage everyone to stay at and make good times together. Make sure you can come down.
Featuring: Carbuncle, Injured Ninja, Mile End, Cease, These Shipwrecks, The Silents
Facebook Event Page.

On the 29th of May Mental Powers release their split 7inch with Free Choice (vic) at the Chapel Space on Angrove St. With support from first timers Dead Arm (ned) and Wind Waker.
Mental Powers.

And finally on 30.05.09 Fabulous Diamonds (vic) play at the Chapel Space on Angrove St. With support from Mental Powers, POND and Carbuncle. Tickets are $15 and apparently selling fast.
Buy Tickets Here
Facebook Event Page.

Downlow-d POND

POND - Psychedelic Mango Album Launch Set
Recorded by Rhys Cameron George,
At the Norfolk Basement,
On the 9th of Jan. 2009

Photo by Tahlia Palmer.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

POND Show Tonight at the Rocket Room

Head down to the rocket room tonight and check out POND and Felicity Groom supported by Simone and Girlfinkle and Veescars. POND play at 10.20pm.

Facebook Event

House Party - 04/04/09

Ben Stewart, who is making a documentary about the experimental music scene in Perth, had a house warming party on Saturday night. Cease, Mental Powers, Carbuncle and The Many Guises of Rod Stewart played acoustic sets.

I only saw the last half hour of Cease, but apparently they droned away with sitar, bongo, guitar combination for around 2 hours. It was like peeking in on a Indian crack den.
Mental Powers played at least one new song I did not recognise and plenty of other rad ones that I did. These guys are getting better each time they play, I can't believe how they sounded when they started playing and that they are now my favourite Perth band.
Carbuncle weren't meant to play, but our Many Guises jam that afternoon had been anything but productive and these drummers, who were the best part of the sounds didn't show up. So we played a pretty inclusive Carbuncle set instead. There were 4 or 5 people with acoustic guitars playing along to the two or three chords that I swap between, it was a great experience, man I wish I could play guitar like some of those cats. I also thought whoever was tapping rhythm did a rad job, it sounded just like I've always wanted it to.
Many Guises went on to play their 2 songs which evolved into communal TLC covers and a large Irish guy in a suit proclaiming folk ditties.

There were lots of carpets and psychedelic lights and a pretty strong community vibe.

Carbuncle, as seen through 3D glasses.

Deni, Mental Powers, keeping rhythm.


Cam, Carbuncle

Me, blinded by the lights, just like that streets song.

Party-Timers, Jeremy, Jefferson, Mikey with 3Ds.

Marijn and Tanya.

More Party-Timers.

Ben Stewart, Film Maker +Unit Pusher.

Peter Cole, Friend of Carbuncle and Aslan

Cam, singing softly.

Me, singing loudly.


The rug in the centre of the circle made it feel like we were in a lounge room.

Mental Powers played another amazingly hypnotic set.

Morman John.

Pat diggin, Deni drumming and staring.

Clap, clap, clap.

All photographs by Ashryn Romaro, thanks.